After facing weeks of stressful deadlines, she finally received a reprieve when her boss extended the project's due date.
Yes, "reprieve" is a noun that refers to a temporary relief or suspension from punishment or harm.
After a long sojourn abroad, she returned home feeling refreshed and inspired.
It is always safer to wear a helmet when riding a bike.
The pirate was rewarded with a generous bounty for capturing the notorious criminal.
The death row inmate hoped for a Governors reprieve.
After facing weeks of stressful deadlines, she finally received a reprieve when her boss extended the project's due date.
I can write a sentence using the word scorn!
"The death row convict was given a REPRIEVE from the Governor."
Yes, I can. 'Can you write a sentence using the word vibrations?' Done.
Come up with a sentence using the word write.
It is entirely possible to write a sentence using the term 'it is'.
Yes, i goes like this: 'can you write a sentence using the word spasmodically?'.
Her parents reprieved her punishment.
You just did! Just do this: "How do you write a sentence using the word vertex?" said the student.
Yes, you canwrite a sentence using the word dislocate
You can write a sentence using the word satellite. Example: Google Earth is a powerful satellite.