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The arson will soon be caught.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

The building was destroyed in a fire that was later determined to be an act of arson.

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How do you use arson in a sentence?

I got away with raping that elderly black woman, but ended up in jail anyway for arson!The word arson is a noun, and can be used in any sentence with a verb. For example: The fire department suspects arson in this fire.

How do you use the word arson in a sentence?

The fire was clearly an act of arson.He was arrested for arson and criminal damage.Britain supplied the French Resistance with dangerous chemicals so they could commit arson against Nazi occupied buildings.

How do you use civil case in a sentence?

Unlike the arson case, which was a criminal case, Aaron's divorce action was a civil case.

What is the maximum sentence for arson in Canada?

All depending on one's record with the law including the severity ( were people injured/death) house or car the sentence will vary but for an arson on a motor vehicle with no injury and no criminal history you are looking at 2 years as an adult and could be eligable for parole within 6 months on good behavior. The objective and advise from my self a defense attorny is do not commit arson under any circumstances.

The use of fire to destroy evidence?

..... is known as "ARSON."

Is saying committing arson correct grammar?

Depends on the context of the sentence, but yes, most of the time

Can a drunk person who set a fire be charged with arson?

yes its called drunk arson, there is a special charge that carries an added sentence. arson has several degrees and like other crimes can carry an adder. for instance hate crimes that are now in effect, domestic crimes, murder(dui death resulting). arson is the same way domestic arson, hate arson, drunken arson.Another VIew: Arson is a criminal offense in ALL states. Using an alleged drunken condition as an element of the defense may raise the issue of extenuating circumstances - however - it is still a criminal offense. There is no such criminal charge as "Drunk Arson!"

Why would terrorists and enemy combatants use arson across the United States and Canada?

Why not? The definition of terrorist is someone causing terror - and arson is a terrible thing.

Where does arson happen?

Arson happens everywhere. It can happen in any structure building, car, or outside. Arson is done on purpose. Arson is not accident.

What is aggravated arson?

Arson where you endanger someones life!

What rhymes with Larson?

Parson, arson, garçon.

What is an antonym for arson?

One antonym for arson is fireproof.