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In New York the child has to be 21. If they are problematic, try getting them to seek help or do it for them with the help of professional agencies set up for such.

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In New York State, a parent is generally responsible for providing support to their child until the age of 21. It is important to consult with a legal professional to understand the specific circumstances and laws that may apply to your situation.

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When can you kick your child out of your house in Washington?

In Washington state, you can legally kick your child out of your house once they are 18 years old. However, it's important to consider their well-being and potential resources or support they may need before taking such action.

Parents allowed to kick out child in WA at age of sixteen?

In Washington state, parents are generally responsible for providing food, shelter, and care for their children until the age of 18. Parents cannot legally kick out a child at the age of 16 unless there are special circumstances, such as the child being legally emancipated or approval from a court. It is important to seek legal advice if you are facing this situation.

Can a SC parent kick a 17 year old out of the house?

Legally in South Carolina, a parent is required to provide support for a child until they turn 18 or graduate from high school, whichever occurs later. Therefore, a parent cannot typically kick out a 17-year-old child before they reach this age or milestone, unless there are extenuating circumstances involving abuse or neglect.

Can you kick your child out at 18 in ca?

In California, parents are legally obligated to financially support their children until they turn 18. After that age, parents are not legally required to provide support, but if they decide to ask their child to move out it is more of a family or personal decision rather than a legal requirement.

Can you legally kick your 17 year old out of house?

In most places, you cannot legally kick out a 17-year-old who is still a minor. As a parent or legal guardian, you are responsible for providing care and support until the child reaches the age of majority. However, you can seek help from social services or counseling if you're struggling with the situation.

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Can you legally kick your 15-year-old child out of the house in Massachusetts?

no Of course not.

When can you kick your child out of your house in Washington?

In Washington state, you can legally kick your child out of your house once they are 18 years old. However, it's important to consider their well-being and potential resources or support they may need before taking such action.

Can custodial parent kick out child still in school?

No a custodial parent can not kick a child out of school if the child is still a minor. If the child is 18 years old, the parent may kick them out.

In new york can your parents kick you out of the house if you are under 18?

Yes, they can tell them to get out of their home. Once the child is an adult, age 18, the parents are no longer legally responsible for them. They can even charge them with trespassing if they don't leave

Parents allowed to kick out child in WA at age of sixteen?

In Washington state, parents are generally responsible for providing food, shelter, and care for their children until the age of 18. Parents cannot legally kick out a child at the age of 16 unless there are special circumstances, such as the child being legally emancipated or approval from a court. It is important to seek legal advice if you are facing this situation.

In new york state can a parent kick out a 18 year old child from their home and not be legally responsible for his expenses?

At 18 years old, you are considered an adult and your parents are no longer responsible for your support unless there is a child support order saying otherwise.

When and who made the law a parent cant kick out their children at eighteen years old?

I'm not aware of any such law. In general in the US, parents are responsible for proving for their minor child. When the child is no longer a minor, the parents are no longer legally responsible. Nearly every state says the age of majority at 18, so parents can kick their 18 year old out if they want with no legal repercussions.

Do parents have the right to kick their 17-year-old child out of the house in Michigan?

No because they are not minors and legally not considered as adults until the age of 18

Can a man kick a pregnant woman and her children out of his home if she is pregnant with his child?

Yes he can. Legally that child is not his until it is born and even then he could. He will be obligated to provide for his kids but is not forced to have their mom live in his house.

Can a SC parent kick a 17 year old out of the house?

Legally in South Carolina, a parent is required to provide support for a child until they turn 18 or graduate from high school, whichever occurs later. Therefore, a parent cannot typically kick out a 17-year-old child before they reach this age or milestone, unless there are extenuating circumstances involving abuse or neglect.

Can my mom kick me out if im on the lease?

not legally

At what age can you legally kick your child out of the house in New Jersey?

yes it is ive studdied law since i was five iand it is illegal!