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only with your parents consent

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4mo ago

In many places, minors need parental permission to live with a relative before turning 18. You may need legal approval or consent from a guardian to make this arrangement. It's important to consult with your parents, a legal guardian, or a legal professional to understand the specific rules and requirements in your area.

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Q: Can you leave your parents and live with a relative at the age of 16?
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How old do you have to be to live with a relative if you don't want to live with your parents?

no age really

What age does the child have to be to decide whether they want to live with a relative not the parents?

Age of Majority on your state

How can you move out of your mother's house at age 16 in Texas?

Go live with a relative. I did this when I was that old. I went to live my aunt and uncle in Calif and graduated from high school there. * If you leave home without parental permission or being emancipated, then your parents can report you as a runaway and have you returned home. You can go live with a relative IF your parents agree to allow it.

Umm can a girl leave home at the age of 17 in Canada to live with a friend?

In Canada, prior to the age of 18 you can only leave home with the consent of your parents.

What is the legal age to leave parents home?

Depends where you live. Most countries say 18.

What age can i leave my adopted parents and go back to stay with my biological parents i live in NC?

when your 16 the book says i did it aswell

In North Carolina at what age can you move out of your parents' home and live with another family member?

North Carolina (and every other state for that matter) considers anyone under the age of 18 to be a minor. As a minor, your parents have the control/authority to decide where you can/can't live. If your parents are not willing to give you permission to move in with this relative, then the relative can request that the court award them custody of you. You will have to prove to the court that it's better for you to live with this relative than your parents. There has to be a valid reason for it. The courts do not like to override the authority of a parent, and they won't do it without legitimate cause.

Can you leave home at the age 13 and live with another parent?

Until you are 18 your parents or the judge decides.

How old do you have to be to leave your parents and live in another country.?

You have to reach the age of majority. In most places that means you have to be at least 18 years of age. Until then, your parents are responsible for you financially.

What age can you leave the country with parents permission?

You can leave the country in age 17+

Can a 16-year-old male leave home without his parents permission?

{| |- | No he cannot. Until they reach the age of majority, they live where their parents wish. In most states that is the age of 18. |}

How can a minor leave home to live with fiance in nebraska?

Get the permission of your parents. Or get married. Until you reach the age of majority, you are their responsibility. They get to determine where you live.