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Sex discrimination law may cover aspects such as employment discrimination based on gender, unequal pay based on sex, and discrimination in educational opportunities.

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Q: Can you give three examples of aspects that are covered by sex discrimination law?
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What are three examples of information not covered by the Security Rule?

Employee records not related to health status. Financial information unrelated to healthcare transactions. Personal information used for marketing purposes.

Which Three way in which woman and children can be protected from discrimination and violence?

Implementing and enforcing laws that protect the rights of women and children and punish perpetrators of discrimination and violence. Providing education and awareness programs to promote gender equality and respect for women's and children's rights. Providing support services such as shelters, hotlines, and counseling for women and children who are victims of discrimination and violence.

What are the three basic aspects of database security?

The three basic aspects of database security are confidentiality (ensuring data is only accessible to authorized users), integrity (maintaining the accuracy and consistency of data), and availability (ensuring data is accessible when needed). These aspects help protect data from unauthorized access, tampering, and downtime.

What are three examples of individuals who have legal disabilities?

Minors, individuals with mental disabilities, and those under the influence of drugs or alcohol are examples of individuals with legal disabilities. These conditions may impact an individual's ability to enter into contracts, make decisions, or fully understand legal proceedings.

Why was Mississippi burning a landmark case?

"Mississippi Burning" refers to the 1964 murders of three civil rights activists by the Ku Klux Klan, which highlighted the deep-seated racial tensions and violence in the American South. The case was significant because it exposed the extent of systemic racism and discrimination in Mississippi and led to federal intervention and increased support for the Civil Rights Movement.

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-some jobs in single-sex schools - jobs in some welfare services - acting jobs that need a man or a woman

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There are three different kinds of discrimination. i am going to type about race discrimination.Martin Luther king

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in a trinity there are three aspects

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Three examples of the bad conditions faced by enslaved Africans were the loss of families, having to endure forced labor and denial of education. Discrimination did not end even for the lucky ones that were freed before the Emancipation Proclamation.

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Not sure about 3 aspects, but Chlorine is very corrosive.

What are three examples of information not covered by the Security Rule?

Employee records not related to health status. Financial information unrelated to healthcare transactions. Personal information used for marketing purposes.