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Yes, in Pennsylvania, you can garnish monthly alimony payments to collect on a civil judgment. You would need to follow the proper legal procedures and obtain a court order to garnish the payments. It's advisable to consult with a lawyer to ensure you follow the correct steps.

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Q: Can you garnish monthly alimony payments if you were awarded a civil judgment in Pennsylvania?
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Alimony Laws Pertaining to Divorce?

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a payment made by one spouse to the other after a divorce to help maintain the receiving spouse's standard of living. Alimony laws vary by state and may consider factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse's financial situation, and the contributions each spouse made to the marriage. The goal of alimony is to ensure that both spouses can move forward post-divorce in a fair and equitable manner.

What is a writ of judgment?

A writ of judgment is a legal document issued by a court that formalizes a judgment against a party in a legal dispute. It outlines the court's decision on the case, including any monetary damages awarded or other remedies ordered by the court. It empowers the winning party to enforce the judgment, such as by collecting the awarded damages.

How is a judgment placed on a persons credit and who puts it there?

A judgment is placed on a person's credit when a court rules in favor of a creditor in a lawsuit for unpaid debts. The creditor is the party that pursues legal action to obtain a judgment against the debtor, and this judgment can negatively impact the individual's credit score and ability to borrow money in the future.

Can you go to jail for a judgment on your credit report?

No, you cannot go to jail for a judgment on your credit report. A judgment is a civil matter, not a criminal one. However, it can have serious consequences for your credit score and financial well-being.

What happens if you are summoned to court for a collection debt and you are on disability if you don't show up?

If you don't show up to court for a collection debt case, the court could issue a default judgment against you, meaning the creditor automatically wins the case. This could lead to wage garnishment or bank account seizure to satisfy the debt. It is important to attend court or seek legal advice to understand your options.

Related questions

Who is eligible for alimony?

If both work but the parent with custody of the children cannot make the payments of the basic household finances on their own, they should be awarded alimony for an allotted time, until their situation can be transitioned into their new life.

If you marry someone then divorce them do you get their job allowances for like the rest of your life?

Alimony can be awarded permanently in certain situations. For example, a couple who has been married for more than 15 years and where one party is entirely dependent upon the other may be a case for permanent alimony payments. Alimony is not, however, guaranteed by any law and is entirely dependent on the situation and divorce proceedings. More commonly in divorce, no alimony is awarded at all, let alone a permanent alimony.

Can a men receive alimony check during a divorce?

Alimony, if awarded, is part of the divorce decree and so it is not awarded during the divorce proceeding. If the court deems it appropriate and necessary temporary support can be awarded during the divorce process.

In Illinois what rights does a spouse have after 2 years for alimony?

The chances that someone will be awarded alimony after a 2-year marriage are slim.

Can a credit card issuer place a lien on your property in Pennsylvania?

Yes, if the creditor sues the debtor and is awarded a judgment the judgment can be used to place a lien against real property belonging to the debtor.

Can you ask for alimony and child support and if granted alimony how long are you entitledto receive it?

Alimony, or spousal maintenance, is typically awarded for a fairly short time, while the spouse completes a plan for self-sufficiency.

Seek Legal Counsel from an Alimony Lawyer?

Alimony or spousal support is payments that are awarded by the court during divorce proceedings that instructs one spouse to make monthly or a lump sum payment to the other spouse. Laws pertaining to alimony have changed significantly during the past few decades. In the past, women were stay-at-home moms and needed alimony to avoid any adverse change in their financial circumstances due to a divorce. Today, due to the fact that women have successful careers, alimony is very seldom awarded during divorce proceedings. In most cases, alimony is intended to provide monetary compensation to the recipient for their unpaid contributions during the marriage, and to help them to gain financial independence. Alimony laws vary in each state. There are many factors which a court considers before granting alimony. One factor is the duration of the marriage, and whether the ex spouse has the mental and physical ability to earn a living wage. Another important consideration is the spouse's age, and whether or not, they have the marketable skills to earn a living. Usually, a marriage must last a minimum of 10 years before spousal support is granted. There are several types of spousal support which is awarded on the basis of an individual personal financial situation during the marriage. Pendente alimony is temporary spousal support that is awarded until the divorce is finalized. Rehabilitative alimony is temporary spousal support designed to enable a spouse to obtain the education and job training to become sufficiently self-supporting. Permanent alimony is paid until the recipient of the alimony payments dies or remarries. Usually, permanent alimony payments are awarded to a spouse whose marriage has lasted for a very long duration. If the spouse is elderly and suffering from an illness or disability, which prevents them from being gainfully employed, they will receive permanent alimony. According to the laws of the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act, a spouse who has the ability to earn a living will not receive any alimony support. If you are considering a divorce and need spousal support to help you make the transition to becoming financially independent, then you should seek the counsel of a lawyer who specialize in family laws pertaining to divorce and alimony. An experience attorney will keep you informed of your legal rights and remedies, and use their extensive knowledge and expertise to gain and strengthen your trust and confidence in your attorney, throughout your divorce proceedings.

Does alimony apply in a Louisiana divorce case?

Yes alimony can be awarded in a divorce in Louisana if the judge agrees. Alimony can also be done two ways, as a temporary support for short term or long term if its necessary.

Can a garnishment be done without a judge?

For a persons wages or bank account to be garnished the garnisher must have been awarded a judgment in connection with a lawsuit against the debtor. The exceptions are a garnishment for court ordered child support or spousal maintenance (alimony).

If you are awarded a judgment for a conversion action can that person get out of paying the court judgment in Pennsylvania through the use of bankruptcy?

Yes, in any state. You may, if the statute of limitations has not run (out), file a criminal complaint and ask for a restitution order. That would not be dischargeable.

Can an unemployed wife in Florida get alimony and spousal support if she has two small children and is pregnant with the third child?

Alimony and Spousal Support are the same thing. If you're awarded custody of the children, you'll receive child support. But alimony has nothing to do with whether or not you have children.

Can one get alimony if a marriage is annulled?

Some states allow you to receive temporary alimony while the case is pending in court, however, you cannot receive alimony after the annulment has been granted. This is because an annulment declares the marriage to be "void" and erases it as if it never existed under the law. Spousal support cannot be awarded if no valid marriage existed. If you believe you will need spousal support, you may prefer to file for divorce or legal separation as alimony may be awarded in both of these cases.