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A person can always go to Prison for being convicted of committing an action that is both against the law and carries a prison sentence. However, it is not against the law to marry an immigrant, whether that immigrant be legally or illegally residing in the United States - other countries may have different laws in this regard.

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Yes, a person who marries an immigrant can go to prison if they are found guilty of committing a crime that warrants a prison sentence according to the law. Marrying an immigrant does not exempt someone from facing legal consequences for criminal actions.

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Q: Can someone who married an imegrant go to prison?
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Can you go to prison for letting an illegal family member live in your house?

It's unlikely that you would go to prison for letting an illegal family member live in your house, as this is typically not a criminal offense. However, there could be legal consequences for harboring someone who is in the country illegally, such as fines or deportation for the family member. It's advisable to seek legal advice in such situations.

Following a judge giving a prison sentence does the person go straight to prison?

Not necessarily. After a judge hands down a prison sentence, the person may have an opportunity to appeal the decision. If the appeal is not successful or if they choose not to appeal, then they would typically go to prison at a later date based on the court's instructions.

How long can you go to jail for shooting at someone?

The length of sentencing for shooting at someone can vary based on the circumstances of the incident, including if the person was injured or killed. In general, someone convicted of shooting at another person could face several years to decades in prison, potentially even life imprisonment depending on the severity of the offense.

What is the sentence for kidnap?

The sentence for kidnapping can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the crime, but it is typically a felony offense that can result in significant prison time, fines, and a permanent criminal record.

How many years did james earl ray go to jail?

James Earl Ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison for the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. He died in prison in 1998 after serving 29 years of his sentence.

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If they are legally married, the father gets rights until mother gets out of prison, after that it is up to the state. If not legally married, they go into state custody.

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Can a US already married citizen go to the UK marry someone else of the UK and become a citizen and live and work there?

No, you will have to get divorced, you will almost certainly get sent to prison for bigamy.

Can you go to prison for giving someone cancer?

Cancer is not contagous so you couldn't give it to someone

What happens when you kill someone while your in prison?

I will go to jail

Why did Lil Bing go to prison?

He killed somebody that was messing with his cousin (in prison for life) free bing!!

Can you put single on W2 if you are married?

No, putting false information on a tax from is fraud; for which you can go to prison.

Can a prison inmate get legally married using alias?

There is no 'alias' when you are in prison and the justice system know the true name of the prisoner. If someone marries a prisoner then they would have to sign their full true given name. Example: John Jack Doe (their alias may be: Johnny No Go.'

What can happen if you buy a gun for someone else?

You can go to prison for a long time.

Is it illegal to go through someones medications?

YES. Tampering with someone's medications, especially if they are controlled substances by the DEA you could go to prison if convicted.