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In emergency situations where there is a risk to a child's safety, DHS may remove children without a court order. However, a court hearing usually takes place shortly after removal to determine next steps. Parents have the right to argue their case in court.

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Q: Can dhs take my kids without seeing a judge?
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A liberal judge is more likely than a conservative judge to take what actions?

A liberal judge is more likely to interpret laws in a way that aligns with progressive values, such as expanding civil rights and social programs, while a conservative judge is more likely to interpret laws in a way that upholds traditional values and limited government intervention.

What does objection overruled mean?

"Objection overruled" is a ruling by a judge that denies an attorney's objection during a trial, allowing the line of questioning or evidence to proceed. This means that the judge has determined the objection raised lacks legal merit and does not have a valid basis in the rules of evidence or courtroom procedure.

What is the sentence for misdemeanor battery in California?

It is really difficult to answer this question without knowing more specifics. A judge will take in to account all the facts, including the damage caused, before issuing a sentence. There are sentencing guidelines but they are very broad and range from a fine to a custodial sentence.

What happens when a married man dies without a will in Oregon?

In Oregon, when a married man dies without a will, his estate will typically pass to his surviving spouse according to state intestacy laws. If there are no children involved, the spouse will likely inherit everything; if there are children, the spouse and children may share the estate. It's recommended to consult with a probate attorney for guidance on navigating the legal process.

Is it legal to take things from recycling centers?

No, it is not legal to take items from recycling centers without permission. These items are considered property of the recycling center or the individuals who brought them there for processing. Taking items without permission is considered theft.

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Yes, men can take the kids from their mother if they get a divorce. You have to be able to provide them an better home and have resources in order to do so. A judge makes this determination.

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Yes. A motion is nothing but a written request that the judge take some kind of action. If the judge agrees, he will sign the motion therreby turning it into an order of the court. Without a judge's signature it has no authority.

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Well I can take about 3 kids but to me it deponds on their age

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If it is your weekend and the mother will not let you pick up your kids, you should take it back to the court. She is in defiance of a court order. Take it up with the judge. Make it her problem, not yours. When she is in the pokey, she might change her mind.

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Not without a judge or magistrate ruling in their favour.

Can kids go into E3 with an adult or is it for adults only?

No. It's 18+. I find it odd seeing that there's alot of kids games, but no. If you want to take your kid, or are a curious kid, Comic-Con is what you want to look for. People like to sneak in kids, but they are usually caught. Hope this helped!

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