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As long as they have parental consent, a 16 year old can live where they want. However, it does not mean the parents have no responsibility for the welfare of the child.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

In some states, a 16-year-old may be able to move out with parental consent and show that they are capable of providing for themselves. However, laws vary by state, so it's important to check the specific legal requirements in the relevant jurisdiction. Additionally, it may be helpful for the minor to have a plan for where they will live, how they will support themselves financially, and how they will ensure their safety and well-being.

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Q: Can a minor sixteen years of age move out and live on their own with parental consent as long as they prove they can provide for them self?
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What is the legal age in Florida to get a tattoo with parent consent?

The legal age in Florida to get a tattoo with parental consent is 16. A parent or legal guardian must be present and provide written consent for the minor to receive a tattoo.

Can a minor at the age of 15 in Missouri get emancipation with parental conscent?

Yes, in Missouri, a minor who is 16 or 17 years old can petition for emancipation with parental consent. However, a minor who is 15 years old cannot get emancipated in Missouri with parental consent.

Can a sixteen year old girl who is pregnant move in with her nineteen year old boyfriend without parental consent in Texas?

No, in Texas the legal age of majority is 18, so a sixteen year old is considered a minor and would require parental consent to live with her nineteen year old boyfriend. Without parental consent, the boyfriend could potentially face charges for harboring a runaway minor.

Do you need parent consent to get emancipated?

Yes, in most cases you need parental consent to be emancipated. Emancipation is a legal process where a minor is granted the rights and responsibilities of an adult, and parental consent is typically required to ensure that the minor is capable of handling those responsibilities on their own.

What is the legal tattoo age in Washington state with parental consent?

As far as my research has shown me, it is not legal to tattoo a minor with or without parental consent. As far as my research has shown me, it is not legal to tattoo a minor with or without parental consent.

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Can a sixteen year old girl marry a nineteen year old boy in Georgia?

Yes, if the minor has parental consent.

Can a sixteen year old get married without consent just with their kid's birth certificate in Utah?

No, you are a minor and need parental consent. Having a child does not emancipates you anywhere.

Can a legal immigrant marry a minor with parental consent?

Depends on how old the minor is and where you live. If she is old enough to be given parental consent you can.

Can anyone videotape a minor without parental consent?

If the minor is in public they are fair game.

Can a minor get a tattoo with parent consent in Oregon?

not true, you have to be 18 without parental consent. if you are a minor in Oregon with parental consent you can get one done. Nowhere. Tattooing minors is illegal in Oregon, even with parental consent. You cant get a tattoo in Oregon as a minor even with parent consent it is still illegal in Oregon

Can minor get a tattoo with parental consent in California?

No, you must be be 18 to get a tattoo in California, even with parental consent.

What does a sixteen year old girl have to do in order to get emancipated in Mississippi?

Mississippi does not have an emancipation statute. The alternative is to get married, which emancipates a minor, but also require parental consent.

If a minor and and an adult have baby can the minor move in with him if she got parental consent?

yes. as long as you have parental permission.

Can a minor be treated in emergency department without parental consent?

Yes if it's an emergency they can not wait for parental consent.

In Idaho can an adult and a minor get married with parental consent?

Well, only if the minor is 16. They have passed a law now, that any minor must be 16 to marry, even with parental consent.

What is the legal age in Florida to get a tattoo with parent consent?

The legal age in Florida to get a tattoo with parental consent is 16. A parent or legal guardian must be present and provide written consent for the minor to receive a tattoo.