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Not until she is 18or if she gets early emancipation by the court.

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In British Columbia, a person must be 19 years old to move out without parental or guardian consent. However, if the individual is under 19 and can prove she can live independently, she may be able to move out with the consent of a social worker or the court.

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Q: Can a girl move out of her home in bc without parental and guardian consent her guardian is her mother?
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Can only your mother sign for you to get emancipated?

No, parental consent is not always required for emancipation. In some states, a guardian or other adult may be able to sign the necessary documents, or a minor can petition the court directly without parental involvement. It ultimately depends on the specific laws and requirements of the state in which the minor resides.

Can a 17 year old mother leave the state of Missouri without parental consent?

In Missouri, a 17-year-old mother can leave the state without parental consent but may still need permission to cross state lines if there are custody agreements or court orders in place regarding the child. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Can a 16 year old choose to live with her aunt and uncle without her mother's consent?

In most cases, a 16-year-old would need parental consent to live with her aunt and uncle. However, if there are extenuating circumstances such as abuse or neglect at home, the teenager may be able to seek emancipation or make her case to a court to live with another guardian. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional in such situations.

You are 17 years old and you want to move out Is it legal for you to leave hime at this age Can you be reported as a runaway If your mother consents to you staying where you want is that legal you liv?

In most states in the US, the legal age to leave home without parental consent is 18. If you leave home before that age, your parent or guardian could report you as a runaway. If your mother consents to you staying elsewhere, it may be legal, but it's important to check local laws and regulations to ensure you're in compliance.

Can a mother in Louisiana run away with her child without the fathers consent?

No, taking a child without the father's consent in Louisiana can be considered parental kidnapping and is illegal. Custody and visitation rights are determined by the court, and both parents generally have equal rights to their child unless specified otherwise by a court order. It's recommended to seek legal advice for guidance on custody and visitation matters.

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Can grandfather take child out of state without consent of mother not married?

No. A grandfather has no parental rights and has no right to do anything without the consent of the mother as long as she has custody of the child and he doesn't.No. A grandfather has no parental rights and has no right to do anything without the consent of the mother as long as she has custody of the child and he doesn't.No. A grandfather has no parental rights and has no right to do anything without the consent of the mother as long as she has custody of the child and he doesn't.No. A grandfather has no parental rights and has no right to do anything without the consent of the mother as long as she has custody of the child and he doesn't.

Can a 24 year old guy marry a 17 year old mother in Tennessee without parental consent?

No. Without parental consent, they have to wait until she's 18.

Could i get emancipated if i get consent from my biological mother when i have a legal guardian?

Sorry, no. Your "guardian" has legal authority over you and in any case you have to have a court order granting you emancipation. No. your legal guardian has parental rights.

Can a 17 year old military dependent move to California with his mother's consent and live with another military family?

Everywhere in the US, a 17 year old may go and live with anyone they choose with or without the consent of a parent or guardian. The only activity that requires a 17 year old's parental or guardian consent is enlistment in the military.

Can a son go live with his mother who has no parental rights?

Not until he is 18. Until then his parent or guardian decides where he lives and for him to move to someone he will need their consent.

Is it illegal for your 17-year-old boyfriend to live with your parents without his mother's consent?

He needs parental consent to move out until he is 18.

Can a 16 year old mother get married without parental consent to the father of her child in the state of Michigan?

No she can not.

The father of the child can marry the mother without a parent consent if they are 17 in the state of Georgia?

They either have to have the parental consent or a court order to get a marriage license.

Can a 16-year-old mother get married in Las Vegas to her 18-year-old fiance without parental permission or without him being the father of her child?

No, she would have to have parental consent.

Can you get married at 17 if you have your mother's consent but she does not have custody of you?

No. You need the consent of your legal guardian

Can only your mother sign for you to get emancipated?

No, parental consent is not always required for emancipation. In some states, a guardian or other adult may be able to sign the necessary documents, or a minor can petition the court directly without parental involvement. It ultimately depends on the specific laws and requirements of the state in which the minor resides.

Can a underage mother get married without parental consent to other then the father of her child?

Under 18 require parental permission to get married. In some places it requires a court order.