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Im not sure about the laws of Missouri per say, but if you legally become an adult through court then I would say yes it would be legal.

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In Missouri, the legal age of majority is 18, so a 17-year-old would typically need parental permission to move out. However, in certain circumstances, such as if the minor is emancipated by the court or gets parental consent, they may be able to move out legally. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional for guidance in this situation.

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Q: Can a 17 yr old male legally move out in the state of Missouri?
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Can you move out at 17 in the state of Missouri and move to Washington state?

In Missouri, you can legally move out at 17 with parental consent or through emancipation. If you move to Washington state, you would need to follow their laws regarding minors living independently, which may vary from Missouri's laws. It's important to research the specific regulations in both states and consider seeking legal advice to ensure a smooth transition.

At what age can a child move out of the parental home in Missouri?

In Missouri, a child can legally move out of their parental home at the age of 18, which is the age of majority in the state. However, if the child is emancipated by the court or with parental consent, they may be able to move out before the age of 18.

Can a 16-year-old female legally move to another city in the state of Missouri?

In Missouri, a 16-year-old cannot legally move out without parental consent. Parents or legal guardians have custody rights until the child reaches the age of majority, typically 18 years old. If the 16-year-old female wishes to move, she would need permission from her parents or guardians.

Can you move out at 16 or 17 in Missouri?

In Missouri, a minor who is 16 or 17 can move out of their parents' home with permission from their parents or legal guardians. If there is no permission, the minor may seek emancipation from the court to legally move out before turning 18.

Can you legally move out of your parents' home in Missouri at the age of 17?

In Missouri, a minor who is 17 years old can legally move out of their parents' home with parental consent or by demonstrating self-sufficiency to a court. If a minor leaves without permission, their parents can file a runaway report with the police. It's advisable to seek guidance from a legal professional to understand the implications of such a decision.

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Can a 16-year-old male legally move out of his parents' house in the State of Missouri?


What age can one legally move out from guardian's home in the state of Missouri?

You have to be 16 i belive

Can you legally move out without your parents' consent in the state of Missouri?

No, not until you reach the age where the laws of the state say you are an adult.

What age can a minor move out of state without parents permission in Missouri legally?

I think you have to be 17 years old.

Can you move out at 17 in the state of Missouri and move to Washington state?

In Missouri, you can legally move out at 17 with parental consent or through emancipation. If you move to Washington state, you would need to follow their laws regarding minors living independently, which may vary from Missouri's laws. It's important to research the specific regulations in both states and consider seeking legal advice to ensure a smooth transition.

If your boyfriend is 19 and you are 16 can you legally move in with him in Florida?

No, the age of majority and the age of consent for the state is 18. That being the case, the minor female could not legally move in with the adult male whether or not her parents consented to the act.

If you are 17 and living in Missouri can you move out legally without your mom forcing you to move back in?

I would suggest reviewing the laws of the state, you can also call the Department of Children and Family Services to get facts straight from them.

Does a pregnant 17 yr old have the right to move out in the state of Missouri?

Yes you can move out at 17 in Missouri.

How old do you have to be to move out of your parents' house legally in Missouri?

The legal age of majority is 18.

At what age can a child move out of the parental home in Missouri?

In Missouri, a child can legally move out of their parental home at the age of 18, which is the age of majority in the state. However, if the child is emancipated by the court or with parental consent, they may be able to move out before the age of 18.

Can a fifteen year old legally move out of their parent's house in Missouri?

Legally, only with their permission. Otherwise not until they are 18 years of age.

If living in Missouri when the Missouri Compromise start can you move to another state?

Of course. It was a free country.