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Yes, with parents consent!

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2mo ago

In Indiana, a 17-year-old cannot leave home legally without parental consent. The legal age of majority in Indiana is 18, so until then, the parents or legal guardians have legal authority over the minor.

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Q: Can a 17-year-old leave home legally in the state of Indiana with parental consent?
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Can a seventeen-year-old girl legally move out of her parents house in Indiana?

Only with parental consent or through emancipation. You cannot own property with just parental consent.

Can a 16-year-old legally move out with parental consent in Kansas?

Not legally, but if parental consent is given, there's not really any repercussion or consequence.

Can a 17-year old in Indiana move out on her own without parental consent?

No, in Indiana, a person must be at least 18 years old to legally move out without parental consent. If the 17-year-old does so without parental consent, they could be considered a runaway, and their parents may involve law enforcement to have them returned home.

Where can I get a tattoo without parental consent if I'm under 18 and in Indiana?

16 w/ parental consent otherwise 18 , now that it has even became recently legal to even give a tatto in indiana!

Can a 17-year-old legally move out without parental consent or emancipation?

No, not legally.

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No, not legally.

In Indiana can you move out at 17?

No, you cannot move out without your parents' permission. The legal age of majority in Indiana is 18. If you leave home without parental consent your parents can report you as a runaway. Indiana does allow a minor to petition for emancipation. You could try to get legally emancipated by a judge, but that will be a difficult process.

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What age can a child legally marry in Missouri?

In Missouri, a child under the age of 18 can legally marry with parental consent and approval from a judge. Parents/guardians must appear in person to provide consent for the marriage.

Can a 17-year-old leave home legally in the state of vermont without parental consent?

They cannot do so legally. Unless they have parental permission.

Can a 17 yr old leave the house legally in Indiana?

In Indiana, the legal age of majority is 18. However, in certain circumstances, a minor may be able to leave home with parental consent, through emancipation, or in cases of abuse or neglect. It's important to consult with a legal professional for specific advice in a given situation.

How old do you have to be to get legally married in Missouri?

You must be at least 18 years old to get married in Missouri without parental consent. Individuals aged 15-17 may obtain a marriage license with parental consent.