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no, im okay thanks

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4mo ago

The legal requirements for moving in with a step-parent vary depending on the jurisdiction. In general, if you are over 12 years old, your preferences may be taken into consideration during custody decisions, but the final decision will be based on the best interests of the child as determined by the court. It is advisable to consult with a family law attorney for guidance based on your specific circumstances.

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Q: Can I move in with my stepdad if I'm over 12?
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Can i legally move out of my parents house without permission when im 16 in the state of Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, the legal age of majority is 18. If you are 16 and wish to move out without parental permission, you would need to be legally emancipated by the court. Emancipation grants you the rights of an adult and releases your parents from their legal obligations towards you.

Can you move out of your parents house without telling them where im going?

It is always best to communicate openly with your parents about your plans to move out, as they may have concerns for your safety and well-being. However, legally, you can move out without informing them since you are an adult. Just be prepared for the potential repercussions of leaving without notice.

Hi im 16 and i have an infent n im having trouble at home i was woundering if i could move out n if my mom could do anything about it?

At 16, you are typically considered a minor and may not legally be able to move out without parental consent. If you are facing challenges at home, it is best to seek support from a trusted adult, counselor, or social services to help you navigate the situation and find a solution that ensures your safety and well-being. Your mother can take legal action if you leave without her permission, but the priority is to address the underlying issues causing the difficulties at home.

Can move out im 19?

Yes, at 19 years old you are legally able to move out of your parents' home without their permission in most places. It's important to consider factors like financial stability, housing arrangements, and potential impact on your relationship with your parents before making the decision to move out.

Im 17 and want to move out but will the cops come after me in the state of Michigan Everyone says that you legally cant move outbut they also say that the cops wont do anything because you are 17?

In Michigan, you are considered a minor until you turn 18, making it illegal for you to move out without parental consent. While it is unlikely that the police will actively track you down, your parents have the legal authority to ask for assistance in bringing you back home. It's important to have a conversation with your parents about your desire to move out and try to come to a mutual agreement.

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Im 16 in Washington state im still in school but you dont get along with your mother or stepdad is there any way you can legally move in with your girlfriend and her family?

First off make sure her parents are ok with it. Then frankly you just have to either ask your parents if they'll let you or somehow get married to her.

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No ithink im only a gifted 12 year old

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No, you are fine.

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Your height should be over 4"

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NO....its not. My cousin is 12 and she weighs 177 that's sad :(im 160 And im 12 trust me im not fat im really tall and im big boneded if shes short and little bonded that's over weight help her eat small meals and eat 3 or 4 times a day its not how much you eat its what you eat no choclate!!!noodles!candy!

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