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Generally speaking parents aren't responsible for a 20 year old's legal fees no matter where the child lives (unless the child is mentally handicapped and incapable of taking care of himself).

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In general, parents are not legally obligated to pay for a 20-year-old's legal fees unless they have signed a contract or agreement to do so. Once a child turns 18, they are considered adults in the eyes of the law and are responsible for their own financial obligations.

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Q: Are parents responsible for a 20 year old legal fees if not at home?
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Are parents legally responsible in ct for 18 year old not living in their home?

In Connecticut, parents are usually not legally responsible for an 18-year-old who chooses not to live in their home. At 18, an individual is considered an adult and is responsible for their own decisions and actions. However, there may be exceptions such as if the parents have a legal duty, such as child support obligations, or if the 18-year-old is still a high school student.

Are parents legally responsible for a 19 yr old not living in their home in New York?

In New York, parents are generally not legally responsible for a 19-year-old child who does not live at home. At 18, individuals are considered adults, and parents are typically no longer legally obligated to provide for them. However, there may be exceptions based on specific circumstances or legal agreements made by the parents.

Are parents responsible for their 18 year old if he decides to leave home?

Legally, parents are not responsible for their 18-year-old child if they choose to leave home. Once a child turns 18, they are considered a legal adult and can make their own decisions. However, parents may still feel a sense of responsibility for their child's well-being even after they leave home.

What is the legal age a child can leave home in NC?

In North Carolina, a child can legally leave home at age 18, which is the age of majority in the state. Until then, parents or legal guardians are responsible for the child's care and welfare.

Can a 17 year old move out without parents consent in Arizona?

In Arizona, a 17-year-old cannot legally move out without parental consent. The legal age of majority in Arizona is 18, so until then, parents or a legal guardian are responsible for the minor. If a minor does leave home without permission, the parents could involve law enforcement to bring the minor back home.

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If parents are not home can a legal notice be to served to the children?

No, Children cant be held responsible for legal documents.

Is it legal in Florida to force a 17 Year old to move from their Parent's home?

No, at 17 your parents are still responsible for you.

What is the legal age a male can leave home in the state of Oklahoma?

The age of majority, which is 18 in Oklahoma. Until then the parents are responsible.

Legal responsibilities for parents of pregnant teen 16 year old daughter is pregnant and refuses to come home or go to school am i responsible?

Unless 16 is the legal age where you are, you are responsible for her unless she gets emancipated.

Are parents legally responsible in ct for 18 year old not living in their home?

In Connecticut, parents are usually not legally responsible for an 18-year-old who chooses not to live in their home. At 18, an individual is considered an adult and is responsible for their own decisions and actions. However, there may be exceptions such as if the parents have a legal duty, such as child support obligations, or if the 18-year-old is still a high school student.

Are parents legally responsible for a 19 yr old not living in their home in New York?

In New York, parents are generally not legally responsible for a 19-year-old child who does not live at home. At 18, individuals are considered adults, and parents are typically no longer legally obligated to provide for them. However, there may be exceptions based on specific circumstances or legal agreements made by the parents.

Are parents responsible for their 18 year old if he decides to leave home?

Legally, parents are not responsible for their 18-year-old child if they choose to leave home. Once a child turns 18, they are considered a legal adult and can make their own decisions. However, parents may still feel a sense of responsibility for their child's well-being even after they leave home.

What is the legal age a child can leave home in NC?

In North Carolina, a child can legally leave home at age 18, which is the age of majority in the state. Until then, parents or legal guardians are responsible for the child's care and welfare.

Are parents responsible for their 19 year old if he decides to leave home?

No, the parents are no longer responsible for adult children. In most places 19 is an adult. A few have the age set at 21. Most feel some responsibility, but there is no legal obligation. The laws considers them an adult and will treat them as such.

Can a 17 year old move out without parents consent in Arizona?

In Arizona, a 17-year-old cannot legally move out without parental consent. The legal age of majority in Arizona is 18, so until then, parents or a legal guardian are responsible for the minor. If a minor does leave home without permission, the parents could involve law enforcement to bring the minor back home.

What is the legal age to leave a parents home without consent in Texas?

The legal age to leave a parent's home without consent in Texas is 18 years old. At that age, individuals are considered adults and are legally able to make their own decisions regarding where they live.

Is it legal for a 16 year old to runaway from home in Texas?

It is not legal for a 16 year old to run away from home in Texas. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for their minor children until they reach the age of majority. Running away can lead to legal consequences and involve law enforcement to ensure the child's safety and well-being.