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because some law has been broken.

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Q: Why would state police call about a arrest?
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Related questions

How can you find out if someone has an arrest warrant out on them without paying a fee?

call the state police and ask

How do you found if there is a warrant for your arrest?

Give the police a call and ask.

What do you call those people that arrest animal abusers?

animal police

How do you know when an arrest warrant has been issued?

Such things are not usually in the public domain. However you will know when the police come to arrest you.

Can constables call themselves police?

Law enforcement powers are granted by the constitutions of the individual states. If constables are granted the same powers as police officers are granted by the constitution in your state, then they can call themselves police. You would have to check the state constitution in a specific state to answer this.

How is a citizen's arrest done?

You apprehend the person in question and, restrain them and then call the police and they will take control from there.

How many days do police have to file a warrant charge in Colorado?

It depends on your state's Statute of Limitations, if any. For example there are no Statutes of Limitations in South Carolina, so a warrant for an arrest can be filed at any time, something done by the Solicitor (State attorney, District Attorney, whatever they call such in your state), not by the police, which collects the evidence and presents it to the State.

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How do you find out if you have a bench warrant for your arrest without spending any money?

Call your local police department - they will tell you.

Is it legal to shoot a pellet gun in your backyard in Tennessee?

Why not call your local police and find out? They won't arrest you for asking.

What are some of the dangers of owning a gun lighter?

The gun could be perceived to be real by members of the public who would call police and they could wrongly arrest or even shoot you if your deemed as dangerous.

What should you say to a county judge when you show up during open court to find out what your warrant is for in Iowa if you are a resident of nebraska and don't know what the warrant would be for?

If you know that there is an outstanding warrant for you in Iowa your best course of action would be to call the Iowa State Police - identify yourself as an out-of-state resident who understands there is a warrant for your arrest. Ask what it is for and how to clear it up.