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1. A crime is an offense that tends to injure society as a whole, therefore government employees are put in place to protect, serve, and seek justice.

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Q: Why does a government employee institute and pursue criminal actions?
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How do you institute a criminal action?

The public cannot institute criminal actions. The state does. If you would like to request that someone be charged criminally, contact the police.

What happens when someone compromises a will?

Depending on their actions they may be subject to criminal charges.Depending on their actions they may be subject to criminal charges.Depending on their actions they may be subject to criminal charges.Depending on their actions they may be subject to criminal charges.

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to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government ------ It is the Rights of the people to take action and either alter it or abolish it. If abolished they are to institute, another word for institute is 'to start' for all those who are just copying and pasting, a new government. For all those in American History with Rux -FrickeFresh

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FRAUD to start with. Plus I'm sure that there are other charges for defrauding the government that could be added on.

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The Commerce Clause International conventions The federal domain United States Treaties

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Yes. See related question: Why is Barack Obama a war criminal?

What is the Difference between Tort and Criminal Law?

Tort laws prohibit certain actions and impose responsibility to pay compensatory and/ or punitive damages upon the person violating the tort laws. Criminal laws prohibit certain actions but impose prison sentences, probation, fines and other possible penalties upon the person violating the criminal laws. Under tort laws, individuals who have been harmed by actions that violate tort laws are the ones who file suits for damages. Under criminal laws, only the government brings charges.

What is the difference between criminal acts and criminal conduct?

There is none. Your actions and your conduct mean the same thing.