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because they don't know who or what is in the car running from them.

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Q: Why do police call backup for speeding?
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Related questions

Who do you call in California about a lost speeding ticket?

Any police department. Give them your drivers license number and they will tell you what to do.

What is sentence for speeding?

Speeding will result in a fine, if the police catch you.

Grand Theft Auto sa how to call police backup?

you have a choice later on in the game to kill either playboy x or Dwayne kill playboy and dwain will give you a back up service and you get playboys mantion and you get a new outfit. and later you can call Dwayne for backup with his gang.

Can a cop sign my name on a speeding ticket?

Im pretty sure he can't. Call the police department and ask (not the 911 #)

Can anyone charge a police officer with speeding?

No, generally, regular citizens cannot charge a police officer with speeding. However, citizens can report their observations to the respective police department, and it is up to the department to investigate and take appropriate action. It is ultimately the responsibility of the police department to enforce traffic laws for their officers.

Can you work at the police staition in grand theft auto episodes from Liberty City?

Yes we can but we need a police car.Then open up police computers and you can call police for backup,we can arrest people doing crimes.We can also see pictures of police when they were arresting people proven guilty.

If you are stopped by the police for speeding how can you get the ticket?

you can get them on special at woolworths

Can police in Maryland give you a speeding ticket when you are out of your car?

Yes. What would being in or out of your car have to do with the issue? Were you speeding is the issue.

How do you report a speeding car?

Call the police and give an accurate as possible description of the vehicle (including license number if you can get it) and give the direction of travel. Speeding is a misdemeanor offense and an officer has to actually see it themselves before they can take any enforcement action.

When should an police officer call for backup?

Whenever, in that officer's judgement, they feel that the situation they face requires more than just a single officer to handle.

What is considered speeding for motorcycles?

Anything above the posted speed limit can be considered speeding if the police feel like enforcing it

Does DC have reciprocity for speeding tickets?

For a speeding ticket issued by a Police Officer, Yes! For an alleged speed camera violation, No!