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To protect their hands of course !

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Q: Why do firefighters were gloves?
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Why did the pallbearers put the gloves on officer randall simmons casket?

It is called the placing of the gloves service and is common for firefighters. It is common for the right glove to be removed to symbolize the hand of strength, the hand of friendship, and the hand of honor.

Is the word firefighters a collective noun?

There is no standard collective noun for firefighters, in which case a noun that suits the situation can be used; for example a crew of firefighters, a squadron of firefighters, a team of firefighters, etc.

What do firefighters have on their belts?

i dont wear a belt, but im my bunker pants i carry extra medical gloves, my extrication gloves, 20 ft of webbing, M95 mask, safety glasses, wire cutters, window punch, gerber multi-tool, LED small flashlight, and my nomex hood.

What is the plural possessive for firefighters?

The possessive form for the plural noun firefighters is firefighters'.

Who earns more suburban firefighters or Chicago firefighters?

In many cases suburban firefighters will make larger salaries then big city firefighters for several reason.

What dog works with firefighters?

Dalmatians work with firefighters.

How many volunteer firefighters are there in the USA?

About 800,000, which is above 70% of the total of all firefighters in the United States.About 800,000, which is above 70% of the totel of all firefighters in the United States.

What is the plural possessive of firefighters What is it?

The plural of fireman is firemen. If you want to use inclusive language, then you can say firefighter and firefighters.

What month honors firefighters?

In the US there is no month that honors firefighters I am aware of.

What is the duration of L.A. Firefighters?

The duration of L.A. Firefighters is 2640.0 seconds.

What is the difference between firefighters and paramedic firefighters?

Paramedic firefighter known as fire medics are firefighters with an emergency medical technician-paramedic license.

What do firefighters refer to as spaghetti?

Firefighters refer to spaghetti the same as you do, Spaghetti is Spaghetti.