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A machine used by law enforcement to detect when a person lied was first designed created and developed by Dr. John Augustus Larson in 1921. Larson's machine was developed to detect changes in the blood pressure, skin temperature, and breathing rate of the person being tested. This device was first used by the Berkeley Police Department.

Larson's invention was later improved and perfected by his "apprentice", Leonarde Keeler. Keeler would go on to change to an ink recording system, create something less bulky and cumbersome, and an indicator to show when the question was asked. Keeler began his improvements in the early 1920's and continued them for quite some time.
I believe John Larson invented it in 1921.
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13y ago

There are several different types- all developed in the interwar period- that is the twenties and thirties as so-called Lie Detectors. Two of the better-known makes were the Stoelting ( pronounced Stoll-ting) and the Keeler. of all people Lafayette radio made portable sets for the various Government agencies called the Diplomat. Lie Detector tests routinely get thrown out of court.

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15y ago

An earlier and less successful lie detector or polygraph machine was invented by James Mackenzie in 1902. However, the modern polygraph machine was invented by John Larson in 1921.

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13y ago

James Mackenzie invented the polygraph, or lie detector machine in 1902.

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in the university of calfornia by john a larson

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7y ago

The polygraph was invented in 1921 by John Augustus Larson, a medical student at the University of California, Berkeley and a police officer of the Berkeley Police Department in Berkeley, California.

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12y ago

Cesare in 1895

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