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Q: Who founded the environment agency and when?
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When was the environment agency founded?

The Environment Agency in the United Kingdom was founded in 1996. It's main responsibilities include:regulation of major industryflood risk managementwaste managementagriculturenavigationfisheriescontaminated landconservation and ecologywater quality and resourcesclimate change.

When was European Environment Agency created?

European Environment Agency was created in 1990.

When was National Environment Agency created?

National Environment Agency was created in 2002.

Which act of parliament created the environment agency?

The Environment Act 1990

When was Scottish Environment Protection Agency created?

Scottish Environment Protection Agency was created in 1996.

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The Pinkerton National Detective Agency was founded in 1850 by Allan Pinkerton. The Pinkertons is a private security company and detective agency that is located in the United States.

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The Ford modelling agency, also known as Ford Models, was founded in 1946 by Eileen and Gerald Ford. The agency is located in New York, New York, USA.

What is the executive agency that helps the environment?

In the United States, the federal executive agency that is supposed to support the environment is the Environmental Protection Agency. Each state has an agency with a similar responsibility and a different but similar name.In other countries, the agency is often called something like "Ministry of the Environment."

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The AHCPR (Agency for Health Care Policy and Research was founded in 1989.