By and large, the warden of a prison is God. He may answer to some degree to the state department of corrections, but only the state police and US Marshall service have any real power over him or his prison.
The warden or governor, depending on which country you are in.
The warden of the prison oversaw the daily operations and ensured the safety of the inmates.
The Poptropica warden and scientist are at the "County Prison".
A warden could be a prison warden: a person in charge of a game reserve; a Youth Hostel Warden, and so on.
The person that is over a prison is the Warden.
The prison chief is typically referred to as the warden. They are responsible for overseeing the operations and management of the prison, including staff supervision, inmate welfare, and security.
There are a number obligations that a prison warden has to a Governor. This includes frequent updates on the events happening there and seeking approval of any changes or improvement of the prison facilities.
A warden.
Claude Maye