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Sudaharan Suthas

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Q: Which country has no traffic police?
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Which country does not have traffic police?


What training would you receive in the traffic police?

In the traffic police, you would learn how to conduct a traffic stop.

When was Islamabad Traffic Police created?

Islamabad Traffic Police was created in 2006.

How does one become a traffic police officer?

One can become a traffic police officer by applying at the police station of your choice. Traffic police officer are not required to have a degree other than a high school diploma.

how many traffic light are in the world?

A way to find out its to call all the factories that manufacture traffic lights and see the sales reports of each country since 1912 when the first traffic light was created by a police man.

What was life like before the traffic light?

police had to steer traffic.

Can Houston Metro Police give out tickets?

Yes they are traffic police

Can a police office allowed to overrule a traffic signal?

The whole point of having a police officer directing traffic is that he will override the traffic signals in order to create a better flow of traffic. This can be necessary during unusual happenings such as a traffic accident or a sports stadium emptying out. If motorists were going to obey the traffic lights anyway, there would be no point in putting the police officer there!

How do police clear traffic after an accident?

After an accident, the police will usually set up physical barriers to clear the traffic. Frequently, they will set up these barriers at some distance so that the other traffic can detour around the site of the accident. The police may also physically direct traffic with hand signals.

Which is the country without police and jail?

The best route to that answer would be to look up which country has the highest traffic deaths, that would probably be it. Also, it would be good information to know if you plan to travel. There are no traffic police on the continent of Antarctica.

Effect of pollution on traffic police?


When can you disobey a traffic control device?

when a police officer is directing traffic. When it is unsafe to do so.