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Fourth Amendment (A+)

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Q: Which amendment requires a search warrant from a judge before police can conduct a search?
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Which amendment requires search warrant from a judge before police can conduct a search?

Fourth Amendment (A+)

Which amendment requires that the government obtain a court issued warrant before searching a home?

That is covered by the Fourth Amendment.

According to the fourth amendment what do law enforcement officers need to conduct a legal search?

get a warrant before they enter a home

Which amendment established the need for a warrant or probable cause before a person can be searched or arrested?

4th amendment

Which amendment establishes the need for a warrant or probable cause before a person can be searched or arrested?

4th amendment

What ammendmant could you use to keep your house from being raided?

The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, including raids on your home by law enforcement. This amendment requires authorities to obtain a search warrant based on probable cause before conducting a search of your property. If your home is being raided without a warrant or probable cause, you can assert your Fourth Amendment rights.

What amendment to the U. S. Constitution addressed this concern and what does the government need before it can search your home?

It's the fourth amendment,and the government need warrant before the search

What amendment to the U S Constitution addressed this concern and what does the government need before it can search your home?

The Fourth Amendment , which states: , papers, and

What keeps the law from not being able to extract evidence by physical violence or torture?

The fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution requires that any government agency must obtain a warrant from a judge before they can search someone's possessions. The 8th Amendment restricts cruel and unusual punishment (torture).

Which amendment states a search warrant is necessary before any citizens possessions may be looked at and seized?


Which amendment applies to this scenario In most circumstances the police must have a warrant before they can conduct a search.?

The fourth amendment to the U.S. Constitution refers to searches and stipulates that a warrant must be obtained prior to a search. However, there are seven recognized exceptions: 1. Consent 2. Plain view 3. Incident to arrest 4. Motor vehicle exception 5. Exigent circumstances 6. Caretaker function 7. Inventory search

Which amendment applies to this scenarioIn most circumstances the police must have a warrant before they can conduct a search?

The 4th amendment, it reads: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.