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Q: When a child is born with extra or missing chromosomes?
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When someone has the turner syndrome what went wrong with the chromosomes?

When they were born one of the sex chromosomes was missing. Or broken.

What is the proportion of births where an infant is born with more or fewer chromosomes than 46?

About 0.3-0.5% of live births result in an infant born with more or fewer than 46 chromosomes. This can result in conditions such as Down syndrome or Turner syndrome, which are caused by an extra or missing chromosome.

What if child has 3 sets of chromosomes?

If a child has three sets of chromosomes, it is known as triploidy. This condition occurs when an egg is fertilized by two sperm, resulting in an extra set of chromosomes. Triploidy is usually not compatible with life, and pregnancies often result in miscarriage. If a baby is born with triploidy, they will typically have severe physical and intellectual disabilities.

Can someone be born with an extra pair of chromosomes?

yes but they are disable when this happens it is really sad

When parents pass inherited traits to their offsprings?

When hre child is born with the chromosomes

What happen lack of chromosomes?

A lack of chromosomes can lead to genetic disorders such as Turner syndrome, which is caused by a missing X chromosome in females. These genetic disorders can result in various physical and developmental abnormalities, impacting an individual's health and well-being. Genetic counseling and medical interventions may be necessary to manage the effects of a chromosomal deficiency.

How would be the structural appearance of a baby with 48 chromosomes?

Rare chromosomes disorders include extra missing or re-arranged chromosomes they are pretty rare but collectively they are common.Infact at least one in every 200 baby's is born with a rare chromosomes disorder,many babies having symptomes from birth or early childhood the rest might be affected when they grow up. Some very well could show signs when they grow up to have babies of their ownit could happen in multiple miscarriages,fertilityproblems,stillbirths,or the birth of a disabled child it also could affect physical problems,health problems,learning disabilitys or challenges that affect behavior.

How are the humans sex chromosomes labeled?

Answer We label the human sex chromosomes with X's and Y's. For example. A boy's chromosomes are XY. A girls chromosomes are XX. When a child is born, they get an X from their mother, and either an X or Y from their Father, thus determining their sex.

What does down syndrome mean?

it means that you have 47 chromosomes instead of 46.

When surfactant is missing in an infant born prematurely what does the child have problems with?

breathing. It causes respiratory distress.

Can an error in meiosis cause a baby to be born with an extra or missing chromosome?

Yes, it can. The baby would be born with something like Klinefelter's or Turner's Syndrome.

What genes or chromosomes is the muitation that causes turners syndrome?

Turner syndrome is commonly caused by a complete or partial absence of one of the X chromosomes in females, resulting in a karyotype of 45,X. The specific genes involved in Turner syndrome are not fully understood, but haploinsufficiency of certain genes on the X chromosome may contribute to the characteristic features of the syndrome.