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the Fourth Amendment

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Q: What part of the constitution protects you from having you or your home searched without a searched warrant?
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Can containers thrown from a vehicle be searched without a warrant in Texas?

Yes. Anythig that has been 'discarded' is considered to be trash and can be lawfully seized, searched, or impounded without a warrant. .

Can a lunch box be searched without a warrant?

Only if you let them. If they don't have any warrant, they can only search you IF they have your permission.

What are the basic principles of the first and fourth amendments of the constitution?

The fourth amendment protects you against unfair searches and seizures, and searches without warrant or probable cause.

Can you sue if your home was inappropriately searched without a warrant?

Yes, it may be possible to sue if your home was inappropriately searched without a warrant. If law enforcement conducted a search without lawful justification, it could be a violation of your Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. You should consult with a lawyer to evaluate the specific circumstances of your case and determine the best course of action.

No persons house or property may be searched without?

a search warrant Also- I believe a Game Warden does not need a warrant.

If the search warrant is wrong can the police still used the evidence they found against you?

No. If the search warrant is invalid and they illegally searched you or someone you know (like without reasonable cause, or without the warrant) then they can't use any evidence against you. To the best of my knowledge, anyways. I don't know how many ways a search warrant can be wrong though...if they were searching for like, pot, but found cocaine, they CAN use that though. Or a gun, or something like that. If they have the warrant, they can use it. If they searched without the warrant, its invalid and inadmissible 100%.

When is a full search permitted without a warrant?

Yes. but they have to have probably cause to do so.

What is a blanket warrant that does not indicate what the police might be searching for or where to specifically search?

A Blanket Warrant is a warrant that allows police to search multiple places for evidence without saying exactly what they are looking for. This comes from a judge usually on Murder or Drug charge cases. More information is necessary in order to answer. I have never heard of a "blanket" warrant or any warrant that does not specifically state what is being searched for. As far as a specific location where a search may be conducted - as long as the warrant describes the premises to be searched (street address - name of business - lot & plot number - etc) there is no requirement that it state SPECIFICALLY WHERE within the premises may or may not be searched.

Can a minors car be searched without the consent of the parent in Oregon?

Yes, if there is consent by the minor, probable cause, a warrant, an arrest, or other authorization to search them

Can you search a boat without a search warrant?

The rules would be the same as a car, due to the mobility of a boat. So with probable cause, it could be searched.

What precedent did California v Greenwood establish?

It established a stronger allowance for police to search suspects. It held that trash can be searched without warrant. Wikipedia dat!

Which amendment protects you and your property from being searched without a good reason?

The fourthIts the 4th amendment... The court order may be issued only when there's probable cause.Added: While the above answer is perfectly correct, the subject the questioner addresses is complex and simply because a 'warrant' was not issued specifically allowing you to be searched, does NOT mean that you cannot be searched. The wording of the 4th Amendment is not all-inclusive and there have been MANY alterations, modifications, and interpretations made to it over the years.For further information, see the below link: