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Generally, county jail is for incarceration of petty criminals serving a year or less in sentencing, and holding for those awaiting trial who have been denied bail/bond or cannot afford to pay it. The sentencing part I covered, the holding part is much different. In the US we are guaranteed speedy trial by the US Constitution. However, it is not uncommon for the accused to be offered a waiver to sign giving up this right. Many Americans being largely naive to the legal and justice system sign this paper not knowing exactly what they are allowing to be done to them. Once the waiver is signed, the accused may be held indefinitely. I personally know two men who each served in excess of a year and a half in county jail before ever being brought to trial. Get picked up on a terrorist charge and that 18 months could stretch out infinitely.

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However long they want to hold you, my man has been awaiting trial for three years in jail.....

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That is a matter left strictly up to the sentencing judge. The maximum you could spend in jail would be for the remainder of your sentence.

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In the state of Georgia, if you have a first offense DUI conviction, the maximum amount of time you will spend in jail is 12 months. You will also be on probation for 12 months after your jail sentence.

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Landsberg, near Munich.

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No... he never served time in jail.

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it depends on the law of your country. but most of the time, they spend years.

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