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From my understanding and based on twenty eight years of observing varying Policing styles, from the inside.... A Police SERVICE focuses more on a pro active/ preventative/intervention style of Policing...Police Services do not just take priority cues from the public they actively invlove them in helping to find their own soluntions. It is a cooperative style of Policing which is fairly open. The planned outcome of Conflict is preferably resolution by peaceful means, if at all possible. Even though several Police Services routinely carry arms. This is not a weak option but one of strength. I believe that the aforementioned model is TRUE Community Policing. Whereas a Police FORCE model tends to be more reactive, militaristic and aggressive in its approach & response to situations. Police FORCES tend to maintain control of the problem, process and the solutions. Although small organised groups of the public may be called upon to assist in identifying problems and setting neighbourhood area crime priorities. A frequent goal of this approach is an arrest and charge outcome. It is largely target and statistically based A Police FORCE approach does not generally involve the public in the solution finding process. It is much more of a closed process, where policing is done FOR YOU, NOT WITH YOU.

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There is no Indian Police Force as police in India is a state subject, however all the senior police officers in the different state police forces of India belong the elite and one of the most prestigious civil service known as 'Indian Police Service (IPS)'

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