it means you should probably go see a drug rehab center
Murder, Robbery, Rape, Assault, Burglary, Financial Fraud, Computer Trespass, Poss. of drugs with intent to distribute, Agg. Stalking, Terroristic Threats and Acts, Poss. of a Weapon on School Campus.Murder, robbery, rape assault etc
If it was YOU that attempted to sell it - - Possession With Intent to Distribute. The charge would be the same whether or not it was your first sale or your 15th sale. What you really mean is that - It was your first time getting CAUGHT and arrested.
A New Beginning
what ranking charge pari passu?
Michael Jackson the 1st.
No. That is an urban legend.
Unfortunately, Utah carries a 5-year minimum mandatory sentence for this type of charge, but the good news is 3 fold. 1. Most states have 10 or more years as minimum. 2. If this is your 1st offense you may qualify to have the charge reduced. 3. Utah offers a drug court program, in which you complete drug treatment and probation in lieu of jail.
One to two years
comes out Sunday 8/7 central on may 1st