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Many work for Minimum Wage plus 10 %.

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Q: What is the average salary of an armed security guard?
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What is the salary for armed security guards at brinks?

The average annual salary for an armed security guard at Brinks is 27,300 dollars. That equals 525 dollars a week and about 13 dollars per hour.

What is the average salary of a security guard in US?

100 $ I am a guard myself

How old do I have to be to take an armed guard security class?

You have to be at least 18 years old to take an armed guard security class

What is Salary of a security guard in abu dhabi?

According to the recent statistics, the average salary of a security guard in UAE is about 2000 Durhams presently with a 10% plus on additional hours worked.

How do you get a SC SLED Armed Guard Certification SLED card to work as an armed security guard I have looked on the SLED website but have found nothing only CWP applications anyone know anything?

you have to be employed by a security company in order to get your security guard card

Can a security guard carry a gun?

Maybe. Local laws may differ. Some places armed private security is allowed, some places it isn't. If it is allowed by law, the particular security company policy will determine if a guard is armed. Usually guards are armed if they are transporting items of high value such as cash deposits.

Where can I recieve armed security guard training Georgia?

The Georgia Security Agency trains and hires armed guards for their clients in Georgia. They will even help you finance your dream to become an armed officer and help you to find a job after training. You can contact them at 1-866-989-5253. You may find armed security guard training at Armed Security Guard Services. Their website is located at You may also be interested in accessing .

How much does armed security cost?

The cost for armed security guards will vary depending on what, where, when and how they are protecting. An armed security guard working for Brinks may make $75,000 a year, again depending where they work.

When is it legal for an armed security guard to use his weapon?

An armed security guard can only use his weapon when the situation demands him to do so. For example, in a situation of gun attack, he can also use the weapon if his life is in direct danger.

How long do security guard classes take?

The length of your trining will be determined by rather you plan to be an armed or unarmed guard.

How much can I expect to earn as a security guard ?

The salary you can expect to make as a security guard in Buffalo NY is between $10 to $15 per hour. This will mostly depend on the company that employs you.

Can I take online armed security guard classes to get certified?

Try Kaplan University. You can get a Private Security Certificat online