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Q: What is chain of command of corrections officer?
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What is a change in command?

A change in command is when one officer replaces another in a management chain.

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i'd' say a judge does they have the say in whos going to jail

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What does 'chain of command' mean?

The US military chain of command for all services starts with the President of the United States, as the Commander and Chief. After the President there are thousands of permutations of the Chain of Command to the individual soldier, sailor, airman, marine, or coastguardsman.

What is the the process for a senior civilian to discipline a junior military officer who is insubordinate?

If the civilian is not in the officers chain of command the it is not possible to be insubordinate. If the civilian is in the chain of command then the process is exactly the same as insubordination to any other superior.