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Q: What is a means of clearing a certifying officer's pecuniary liability?
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NOT a means of clearing a Certifying Officer's pecuniary liability?

Transfering to another department is not a means of clearing departmental accountable officers for official pecuniary liability.

Who has pecuniary liability for erroneous payments?

Certifying Officers have pecuniary liability for erroneous payments.Certifying Officers

Pecuniary liability is the personal liability of?

Certifying Officers

Pecuniary liability is the personal liability for whom?

Certifying Officers

An automatic presumption of pecuniary liability applies to?

Certifying Officers and Dispursing Officers

Pecuniary liability attaches?

automatically to certifying officers when there is fiscal irregularity

What is the best way for certifying officers to prevent pecuniary liability?

By only certifying documents that are legal, proper, and correct.

What is true about a Departmental Accountable Official?

They have automatic pecuniary liability for erroneous payments.

The following statements is TRUE about Departmental Accountable Officials with regards to pecuniary liability?

They Provide information to certifying officers

What does federal laws say about certifying officers?

DOD must use them, and they have limited liability.

Which of the following is not a means of clearing a certifying officers pecuniary liabililty?

The Certifying Officer shows that the investigation failed to prove negligence.

Who has pecuniary responsibility for erroneous payments?

Disbursing Officers, Certifying Officers, or Accountable Officials all have pecuniary responsibility for erroneous payments.