Dock warrant, in law, a document by which the owner of a marine or river dock certifies that the holder is entitled to goods imported and warehoused in the docks.
(a) warehouse receipts (invoice). (b) warehouse warrant or dock warrant. (c) delivery order.
PT warrant is a warrant issued for production of an Accused. P.T. warrant means Prisoner's Transit Warrant.
Go parallel with the dock, stop the engine, and let the current drift you to the dock.
Go parallel with the dock, stop the engine, and let the current drift you to the dock.
The OEM dock is the BEST dock for your iphone.
The on dock date is the date a shipment was delivered on the receiving dock.
the dock is from clubpenguin not webkinz
there is no beachand dock.
At a dock.
the dock is the tail... the hair is the tail the soild bit its attched to (which is quite short) is the dock.
The word "dock" has one syllable.