48 hours
Contact whatever agency that operates the county jail (Sheriffs Office???) and ask.
Counties are only allowed to hold you for 10 days... If the other county doesn't come get you then the county you are in has to let you go!
Then you won't get released. A "hold" means that someone else (some other county perhaps) wants you for an offense in their jurisdiction. When your sentence is complete for the offense you are currently in jail for, the other county will be notified and will come and take you into their custody.
All jails have a 'locater' either at the jail or in the office of the agency that administers it (Sheriff's Office??) Give them a call.
The Santa Rita Jail is located in Dublin, Almeda County, California. It is the biggest Jail in Almeda County and was constructed in 1947. It can hold up to 4000 prisoners.
My brother is in county jail. Where do I look to find inmates in county jail?
they dont have to you have to bail him/her out before sentencing
My understanding is that they have 90 days to either have you picked up or have to release you to your own recognizance.
The following is a list of County Facilities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Barnstable County Correctional Facility Berkshire County Jail and House of Correction Bristol County Jail and House of Correction Dukes County Jail and House of Correction Essex County Correctional Facility Essex County Correctional Alternative Center Essex County Women in Transition Franklin Count Jail and House of Correction Hampden County Jail and House of Correction Hampshire County Jail and House of Correction Middlesex County House of Correction Middlesex County Jail Nantucket County Jail Norfolk County Correctional Center Plymouth County Correctional Facility Suffolk County House of Corrections Suffolk County Jail Worcester County Jail and House of Correction
How can a Redford Michigan inmate be moved to a county jail that is in the same county as they sentenced him in.
Until they are picked up by the county that holds the warrant.Added: The term "Extradition" is used only when referring to out-of-state warrants.