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Q: What insurance companies use lie detector tests?
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How does brain fingerprinting differ from other lie-detector tests?

No efj

Does some states offer free lie detector tests?

This is done freely in all states , as the government do it.

Are there any DNA tests that can be taken that would prove that you have not slept with somebody as the thought of lie detector tests makes you really nervous and a DNA test seems more concrete?

No. Not even slightly possible. Lie detector results are not proof either though. If your s/o is insisting on you taking a lie detector test to prove you're not sleeping around then take my advice and ditch the ho/a55hole ;-)

Would wife take lie detecter test if she cheated?

Lie detector tests are not 100% accurate and although given by law they are not admissibly in a court of law and using a lie detector is not used for public use; therefore it would not make any point for your wife to take a lie detector test. Hypothetically, if your wife did cheat she would probably decline taking the test.

Where can you get a lie detector?


Can Someone can get around lie detector?

yes people can it actually detects how nervous u are not really a lie detector

How can a lie be detected?

A lie detector test follows you pulse, if you are asked a question and your heart rate rises or falls then it will be a lie. If you can regulate your pulse you cannot be detected on a lie detector

How much does a polygraph test cost?

they cost around £500-1500 but be careful there has been scientific evidence suggesting that at best there only 87% correct and possibly only 50% ie you'd be as good tossing a coin. a good body language book would help if you study it well apparantly body language rarely fails.

What actors and actresses appeared in Lie Detector - 2005?

The cast of Lie Detector - 2005 includes: Rolonda Watts as Host

What do you call a lie detector?

AHH a lie detector ANSWER by Engl1sh: A perfessional typically uses the term 'polygraph' test.

Can a lie detector determine if someone stolen something or had knowledge it was stolen?

Lie detector results are not admissible in the courts in the United States. On rare occasions, a defense attorney and/or a district attorney may conduct a lie detector test if there are doubts about a case.

How is a lie detector prepared?

Heart rate