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Not usually. You just lose the case.

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Q: What if the plantiff if you dont show for a court date will you have a warrant?
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Could you be deported if you failed to appear in court hearing and a warrant was issued?

You can be deported for any felony conviction, and violence history. i dont know what the warrant is for but you need to answer it and stay out of any future trouble.

How can you have a warrant for child support when you dont even know who the female or the baby are?

Show up in court and find out - issues such as this are why the courts schedule hearings.

What does the Warrant Officer Warrant look like?

regular close just like me and you , but they must show a badge and a warrant issued by the court with the person who they are looking for with their name, picture , and address for which they have the right to search and arrest.. trust it happend to me today .. they had the wrong person who dont live here but my address.. but orderd by the court.... they still have a right to search my home and make an arrest for that person on the warrant if found ..

If court orders you to give car back and you dont will you go to jail?

Dohh!! The court orders you to do something. By breaking that order, the person is in contempt of court. A warrant for your arrest will surely follow soon - once arrested, they do not take you out to dinner. THINK!!!

What is the penalty for second degree trespass in nc?

If the person has never had a conviction for trespassing before, they get slapped with a fine of up to $500. If they have had a conviction before, its up to 30 days in jail and a fine of up to $1000. what if they dont show up for there court date and they issue a arrest warrant for them on the charge

What happen if you dont pay yours traffic tickets?

It will go into a warrant and the fine will double. You are also risking the chance of getting arrested for a simple traffic stop. Take care of your fines as quickly as possible. If you are not able to, go to your court date and ask for a continuance or ask to make payments. they will work with you.

WILL i GO TO Jail if i dont go to court for restraining order?

That all depends on if you are the plantiff or if you are the defendant and what exactly happened (physical harm,threats,ect) If you are the plantiff and you do not show, I am thinking that there shouldn't be a problem (as long as you're good w/ loosing & not planning to ever get another one on that person, because it will be very hard to) Now, if you are the defendant on the other should say on the papers, but it would be in your best interest to go (to cover your own butt).

If you dont go to a class the court ordered you to go to what could happen?

You can be found in contempt of court and a warrant will be issued for your arrest. Added: If it was court ordered as part a sentence of probation, your probation might be revoked and you could be remanded to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence behind bars.

What would happen if you dont go to a court orderD mediation meeting?

(In the US) If you don't respond to court in response to a summons/subpoena a bench warrant can be issued for your arrest to compel your attendance.

When your probation runs out and you failed to pay your court fine can you go to prison in the state of Indiana?

Just make sure you go to court on the day your payment is due and ask for an extension. If you get the extension you can pay later, but if you are not granted an extension they will suspended your license. Now if you say screw it and dont go to court and dont pay the fine, the judge will send out a warrant for your arrest for failure to comply with the courts ruling. (contempt)

When released on own recognizance and they dont show up at court do they send the bounties out?

When you are "released on personal recognizace" it means that no bail or bond has been required of you. If you fail to show up for court, they will issue a warrant for your arrest, enter it into the system and you will be arrested - taken into custody (probably to jail) and presented in court at its next session.

Where is the warrant of arrest in conquer?

I dont know.. i cant find it ethier