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This is called a "tactical retreat". Officers will retreat from a scene for their safety, then return minutes later with backup and probably weapons. At the same time a helicopter is recording movements at the scene from the sky.

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Q: What happens to police if they run away?
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What happens when you are reported to police as a run away in Texas and you are 16?

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If you run away at the age of 17, it is considered a status offense and you could be taken into custody by the police if caught. It's important to seek help from a trusted adult or authority figure to address any underlying issues that led to running away.

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it most likely will run away or run you over

What happens if you run away in Michigan and get caught?

you go to jail probably i don't knowhey at least I answered good luckP.S Google it or become a police officer :) lol

In new Zealand if you are 16 and were to run away from home what could the police do about it Could they force you to come home?

Yes, In New Zealand if you 16 and you run away from home, the police will force you home because you are a minor.

Is running away a crime in Virginia?

If the police want you to stop so they can arrest you and you run away, yes.

If you are sixteen and run away will the police look for you?

Yes, if your parents post you as a runaway.

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You flippin get arrested.

Can a 17yr be arrested for moving out of his parents home?

A parent can call you a run away and have the police bring you home. They can say you are a repeat run away and try to place you where you can not run away. Since you are almost 18 the police may not want to do this, and may ask your parents what they wish for you to do. You can not be arrested if you have not broken any laws.

What happens if you run away from Virizion during battle?

it disapears