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Q: What executive agency under the dept treasury is responsible for collecting taxes?
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What is the federal agency responsible for collecting taxes?

Where? In the US its the IRS.

Which executive department collects taxes?

The Internal Revenue Service - an agency of the Dept. of Treasury

What is an agency executive responsible for in ICS?

overseeing the staging area

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The Treasury

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Department of the Treasury will send the Secret Service

What government agency collects federal taxes?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), an agency in the Department of the Treasury, is in charge of collecting federal taxes. Various state and local agencies are in charge of collecting state and local taxes.

What agency under the department of treasury is resp onsible fr collecting individual and cooperate income taxes?

The Internal Revenue Service

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Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is the executive office agency responsible for preparing the president's budget forecasts and proposals.

Which government agency is responsible for collecting taxes and educating taxpayers about their respondsibilities?

Internal Revenue Service

What is the Agency Executive?

The Agency Executive is: a. Responsible for overseeing the Staging Area. b. Responsible for managing the incident along side the Incident Commander. c. Responsible for coordinating with other agencies through their Liaison Officer. d. Responsible for establishing overall priorities and delegating authority to the Incident Commander to manage the incident.

Who is responsible for OSHA in the UK?

OSHA is a US agency and has no authority in the UK. The Health and Safety Executive is the agency in the UK that performs similar functions.