Unable to determine after a cursory search. I believe that the number 20030 may actually be unique to the dpeartment on whose report it appears, OR - that number might be the departments ID number by which the UCR identifies that city.
No, just because a police report has numerous errors does not mean the report is null and void.
The police code, 10-16, is for a domestic disturbance.
Stay out of area.
The letter D
District Attorney
In what. Police, Fireman. What do you want in this answer in what area.
I hear and understand you.
It is the police code for Armed Robbery
It might mean that you've passed on a "Tip" to the police, since as you say, you made no report.
I think you mean illegal and no its not. And no you can't call the police and report it. Don't like what on that website don't go to it.