FBI, acronym for Federal Bereau of Investigations
A quick google search will tell you that the acronym "FBI" stands for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
There are many different possible organizations and businesses that the acronym ICAN could stand for. This acronym could stand for the International Cesarean Awareness Network. This acronym could also stand for the Independent Community Arts Network.
Letters that stand for parts of a name are called initials.
There is no acronym with the letters CORNER. It does not stand for anything because it does not exist. No concept or organization uses the acronym CORNER.
Because this is a USA government acronym it does not change. The US Federal Bureau Of Investigation will always be the FBI regardless of language.
FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation
No. An acronym is a word where the letters stand for something like SCUBA (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) or NASA (National Air and Space Administration). A visual aid is a picture, display, PowerPoint, etc. that better illustrates the main idea of a presentation or invention. "Acronym" means a word formed out of the first letters of several other words. "Federal Bureau of Investigation" becomes "FBI". "FBI" is an acronym. "Mothers Against Drunk Driving" becomes "MADD". "MADD" is an acronym. "Light Amplification (by) Simulated Emission (of) Radiation" becomes "LASER".
It is an acronym for the Federal Bureau of Investigation; federal because it is a national bureau of the US and deals with investigations on a national level.
TLA is an acronym that can stand for many things. In fact, it is sometimes used to stand for "Three Letter Acronym". It can also stand for Texas Library Association, Textile Labour Association and a host of other things as well.