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From the info given in the question it sounds like the incarcerated person is wanted for violation of probation on another entirely different felony charge, and when he is released at the end of his sentence he will be held for the authorities and face prosecution for the VOP.

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Q: What does that mean to have felony probation hold on someone already in prison?
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What is the least punishment for a felony probation violation with another felony?

Your felony probation will be immediately revoked and you will be remanded back to prison. In the meantime you will be tried for the felony you committed while on probation and then face sentencing and prison time for that offense also.

If someone violates felony probation and gets charged with another felony will they go to prison?

Yes, the odds are very high that they will go to prison, if not for the VOP on the first offense, then probably for committing the 2nd offense.

What is felony probation?

Felony probation is a sentence the judge imposes when someone pleads guilty to a felony. It allows a person to serve his sentence without going to jail or to prison. The person will be under court supervision and he can be incarcerated if he violates the terms of his probation.

What happens when you get caught drinking on probation with a felony DUI?

You get sent back to prison, if "no drinking" was one of the terms of your probation.

What is the penalty for felony forgery charge while on probation already in Louisiana?

FIrst of all, your probation will, in all probability, be revoked for violating your probation, and, you will be remanded to jail to serve the remainder of that sentence behind bars. Additionally, you will be charged with the felony forgery and since the forgery charge is a felony you could be facing, upon conviction, an additional term of MORE than one year in prison.

What is the punishment for felony probation violation in Georgia?

Violating condition of a felony probation in Georgia can carry serious consequences. It can be punishable by jail. For serious probation violations a judge has the power to revoke a probation sentence and send the violator to prison.

In California can you visit someone in jail if you are on informal probation?

In california can you visit someone in prison if you are on informal probation

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If you are on probation for felony possession of cocaine and fail a drug test for it, you go back to prison to complete your sentence.

How much time will you serve if you violated a restraining order if i am already on felony probation?

If charged with a new crime while already on felony probation the likliehood is 100% that you will be 'violated' and returned to jail/prison, not only to serve the remainder of your sentence while incarcerated, but also to await prosecution for the new offense.

Can a first time offender of a non-violent drug related felony get probation instead of prison in harris county?

Ask your attorney.

How long should someone be on probation for evading arrest?

It will usually range from 1 year of probation to 1 to 3 in prison.

Penalty for b class felony in Hawaii?

The maximum penalty for a Class B Felony in Hawaii is 10 years in prison. The average person charged with this felony typically only serves 18 months in jail and is given probation.