I am not sure how it is for each state, but I do know that in the state of Tennessee it is a Class E felony and warrants can be served if everything meets the criteria of "Hindering a Secured Creditor".
Yes, in Connecticut it is a basic form of fraud instead of specific (Other states name it as a separate crime; Hindering a Secured Creditor): To hinder, defraud, or unlawfully delay possession by a secured creditor; is a basic act of fraud.
whats the penalty for hindering in kleberg county
You can, but you may find yourself in court or jail - some states consider that "hindering a secured creditor" and that means jail time.
A secured creditor is one who has a contract with you that says if you fail to pay, the creditor can take a specified item you own to satisfy the debt. Most common are purchase-money loans, such as mortgages or car loans, but it can be any item.
Secured debt is a debt that is guaranteed by the use of collateral. If the debt is not repaid, the creditor has the right to take the collateral from the borrower.
To receive the proceeds, before others, fom the sale of the secured property.
Yes. It's called hindering a secured creditor. Sometimes, depending on the value of the vehicle, it is a state jail felony. It's in the Texas Penal Code under fraud.
In law 48, what is a creditor? Is law 48 fair to creditors?
Repossess or foreclose on the secured property if the agreement is in default.
A creditor cant take you to court over a secured debt. However, if they have a security interest in any of your property, they can still foreclose on that property.