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Q: What does PATROL stands for?
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Should Radio Motor Patrol be capitalized?

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Apc stands for: Army patrol community

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In Power Rangers S.P.D, S.P.D. stands for Space Patrol Delta.

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PB stands for Patrol Bomber, with Y being Consolidated Aircraft's manufacturer identification.

In Stringray what did WASP stand for?

Stingray was a British television show in the 1960's. The acronym WASP stands for the World Aquanat Security Patrol.

What's the value of c.o.p?

C.O.P. often stands for citizen on patrol. This is a program where individuals in the community get involved, helping the police department with various tasks.

What are the kinds of patrol?

the kinds of police patrol are foot patrol, horse patrol, scooter or motorcycle patrol, mobile car patrol, canine patrol, bicycle patol, marine(water) patrol - etc - etc.

What are the kind of police patrol?

the kinds of police patrol are foot patrol, horse patrol, scooter or motorcycle patrol, mobile car patrol, canine patrol, bicycle patol, marine(water) patrol - etc - etc.

What is supervised patrol?

supervised patrol

Who are the Senior Vandal Patrol Generalists in the Vandal Patrol?

The following Vandal Patrol members have Senior Vandal Patrol Generalist badges.An8thgBleepyBlueCyclone777Fish247GarethfxIncaBlueIreen22LazarusLeastduckLindyStarMg42 killerSkullcandy88TheprismgroupWildrosebeef

What are three sentences for the word patrol?

The patrol was doubled when the alarm was triggered.The patrol found three men trying to cross the border.The officer was on patrol when control called him in for a tea break.