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Q: What do you call an FBI officer?
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Related questions

How long does it take to be a FBI police officer?

one munt

What is the toll-free number for the FBI?

FBI's toll-free number is: 1-800-CALL-FBI

What do the FBI agents call the scientist on the series BONES?

In Bones they FBI agents call the scientists Squints and the phycologist a Shrink.

Do you have to be a citizen of US to join the FBI?

Yes. FBI Agents are peace officers, and in order to be a peace officer in the US, you have to be a citizen of the US.

What do the FBI agents call the scientists on the Bones?

They call them squints

Where is FBI form FD-772?

Form 772/772a and 772b are only available on FBI internal networks or through the FBI security program office. Check with your local security officer or contact your local FBI security desk.

Did the FBI call the Black Panthers communists?

True: The FBI called the Black Panthers (Communists)

Who do you call if you are being chased by a cartel?

In the US, I would call the FBI.

Who has the president for chief officer?

Armed forces, FBI< CIA< NSA and Secret Service

Is it illegal to threaten someone with calling the FBI or CIA?

No. People can call the FBI or CIA any time they want. If you have done nothing wrong, the FBI or CIA will do nothing.

What are some interesting people to do a school report on?

An officer of the law,mainly divisions such as the FBI or CIA.

Must you be a former police officer to enter the FBI as agent?

No. It requires no back round on forces