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Q: What do California prisoners have to pay for?
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Which state has the most prisoners?

Texas has recently surpassed California in having the most prisoners.

How many prisons does California have?

The state of California has about 120,000 prison inmates. There are 9,000 of those prisoners who are serving life sentences.

What colony was founded as a refuge for debtor prisoners to work and to pay off their debts?

Georgia was founded as a refuge for debtor prisoners to work and pay off their debts.

Do prisoners serving life sentences in California prisons have conjugal visitation?

No, they do not.

Does the state have access to a trust fund in prisoners name?

The state of California dept of Corrections DOES NOT have access to a prisoners trust fund. A trust fund is exempt.

Do prisoners have to pay for their own personal privileges?

In some cases, prisoners may have to pay for certain personal privileges, such as extra food items, phone calls, or entertainment options. These expenses are usually covered by the prisoners themselves or their families, rather than through taxpayer funds.

What does Hotel California refer to in the song Hotel California?

death, possibly by drug addiction ("we are all just prisoners here of our own device")

Is there a new law in california for prisoners getting 35 instead of 50 Non violent crime?

There is no law in California that requires prisoners to get 35 percent instead of 50 percent for Non violent crimes but just a move to de-congest the prisons.

Can you send California prisoners calendars?

Ask the prisoner. He'll probably have a better idea of what the restrictions are than we do.

Who paid for concentration camps?

The prisoners had to pay for the camps, with their labour and/or possessions - and leave the SS with a profit.

What has the author Leon Thompson written?

Leon Thompson has written: 'Rock Hard' -- subject(s): Prisoners, Prisoners' writings, American, Biography, United States Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, California

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My dad in Alabama is giving me a 2004 Sienna, but I live in California. If the car is given to me do I have to pay tax in California?