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Many would argue that if you had to narrow the functions down to two that they would be to protect life and to protect property. However, there is a much larger list of functions of Fire Departments in general.

Also keep in mind that different departments have different response abilities. For example, many Fire Departments have specialized equipment for rescue operations, equipment to handle hazardous materials, medical equipment and so on. With there being such a variety, that is why many would choose the two functions mentioned above as it fits to almost every Fire Department.

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Q: What are the two Emergency functions of the fire department?
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When was the FDNY founded?

Organized fire fighting began in New York in 1648 when the first Fire Ordinance was adopted by the Dutch Settlement of New Amsterdam. When the colonists were organized in 1658, bucket brigades were formed and equipped with 250 leather buckets made by Dutch shoemakers of the colony. It was not until 74 years later, in 1731, that fire brigades were put into service. Faced with the problem of a fast growing colony, the General Assembly established the volunteer Fire Department of the City of New York, in December of 1737. Following the Revolutionary War, in 1865 the Department was reorganized and incorporated as the Fire Department of the City of New York(FDNY). Due to major fires, which resulted in excessive fire losses and a rise in insurance rates, the department was reorganized in 1866 under the command of General Alexander Schaler. Under military discipline, the department began to realize its full potential and fire losses began to generally reduce. The merit system of promotion in the Fire Department was instituted in 1870. New Year's day 1898 heralded the consolidation of the different areas (Brooklyn, Queens etc..) of the city and the beginning of a new era for the Fire Department. All fire forces in the various sections were brought under the unified command of the first Commissioner of the Fire Department. By 1937 all but two volunteer companies were disbanded. Today the Fire Department protects more than 8,000,000 residents in an area of 320 square miles. The uniformed force is under the command of the Chief of Department and consists of more than 11,400 Fire Officers and fire fighters. In addition, the Department includes 2,800 Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics and Supervisors assigned to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Service (EMS), as well as 1200 civilian employees.

What does medical code 99282 stand for?

Evaluation and management code for an emergency department visit, level two (usually of low to moderate severity).

Functions of information centres?

Functions of information centers are to output on emergency. Reference and custom-made services by a set as reduced two-volume or three-value numbers, and seven-volume zoned numbers.

Where can you find ISO protection class codes for New Hampshire?

Call your fire department or local government. ISO (Insurance Services Office) handles inspection and rating of fire department but it is often easier to get the information from the fire department or local government. Note that your rating may be a combination of two number such as 6/9. This means that if you are within 5 files of a fire department AND 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant then the protection class is 6 but if BOTH of these don't apply then your protection class is a 9.

Where can you find Protection Class Codes for SC?

Call your fire department or city hall. ISO (Insurance Services Office) handles inspection of and rating of fire departments but it is easier to get the information from the fire department or local government. Note that often times the rating is two numbers such as 6/9 meaning that your class is a 6 if you are withing 5 miles of the fire department and 1000 feet of a fire hydrant and if you are not both of these then you a class 9.