Rules of the internet will vary depending upon what country you live in. You must abide by your countries laws concerning the internet. There is no global type rules that one must abide by.
Of corse, any company operating in the UK must abide by Uk AND EU regulations
Everyone no matter who you are must abide by the rules of the constitution.
In a completely absolute monarchy, the King or Queen makes up the rules, and his or her subjects must abide by them.
Considering that the mandate theory of elections are a formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one. So the emanate theory for elections is that they must abide by certain rules or regulations to be a presidential candidate.
Abide means to wait for or obey or dwell or put up with. For example, it is important to abide by state laws, otherwise you may find yourself in jail. You must abide by the school rules in order to avoid punishment.
Decision of the arbitrator
The basic company rules and regulations are quite simple. One must be loyal to the company and serve its customers to the best of their ability.
Data Protection Act 1998 Computer Misuse ACT lol
Federal rules attached to the grants that states receive. States must agree to abide by these rules in order to receive the grants.
There are a number of rules and regulations that exist in Belgium. Rules in regards to traveling, customs, and driving are prevalent. For example, a person must be at least 18 to drive in the country.
Decision of the arbitrator