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What are the differences between tax force, commission and board.

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Q: What are the differences between board commission and tax force?
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a force is a push or pull and pressure is a a push

What is the force keeping board afloat?

The force keeping a board afloat is buoyancy, which is the upward force exerted by a fluid on an object immersed in it. This force is due to the difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the object, pushing it upwards and preventing it from sinking.

What are the differences between coulomb's force and gravitational force?

Coulomb's force is the electrostatic force between charged particles, while gravitational force is the force of attraction between masses due to gravity. Coulomb's force depends on the amount of charge and distance between charges, while gravitational force depends on the masses and distance between objects. Coulomb's force is much stronger than gravitational force for everyday objects.

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In a first-class lever, the fulcrum is located between the input force and the output force. In a second-class lever, the output force is located between the fulcrum and the input force. In a third-class lever, the input force is located between the fulcrum and the output force.

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When election commission of india came into force

What the difference between input and output forces and the output distances for a hammer pulling a nail off a board?

The input force is the force applied by the person using the hammer to pull the nail. The output force is the force exerted by the hammer on the nail to pull it out of the board. The output distance is the distance the nail moves as it is being pulled out of the board.

What is a NZ ARMY regular force officer commission?

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Navy Seals operate both on land and in the water whereas Delta Force operate on land

Differences and similarities between gravitational force and electrostatic force?

Similarities: inverse square law for strength of force both r central forces both are conservative forces both follow principle of superposition Differences gravity attracts electric force electric force can change direction electrostatic force depends on interviening medium

What force does a dart board use?

A dart board uses the force of impact from a dart hitting its surface to lodge the dart into the board. The force required is enough to pierce the board's material and remain securely in place.

What force between a snow board and the snow makes it slow down?

It is the friction between the snowboard and the snow that makes it slow down.