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The advantages of police statements are that you have everything that the accused says and so if they're lying and they don't know the story, you can tell. Also you can use things against them that they say in the court of law.

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Q: What are the advantages of police statements?
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No they can not use police forms , without the police being there in person.

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Edward Garrity was Chief of Police of Bellmawr Pennsylvania. He and other officers were accused of ticket-fixing in the 1960s. When questionned about the matter, the officers were forced to make statements or lose their jobs. Then the prosecutor used their incriminating statements against them in Court. The US Supreme Court eventually heard their case and ruled that their Constitutional rights had been violated and they had been unduely coerced into making self-incriminating statements. Their Fifth Amendment right to be protected against self-incrimination had been violated. The Court ruled that police officers can be ordered to give statements relative to their performance of duty, or lose their jobs if they refuse, but their statements, if obtained in this manner, can not be used against them in a criminal prosecution.

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