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Standard issue suit, sunglasses, and dark-colored shoes with belt. For field investigations, jacket with 'fbi' must be worn. Other clothing can only be approved by the deputydirector, director or president.

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Q: What are dress codes for FBI?
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Related questions

Who hates dress codes?

i do

What part of speech is dress code?

Dress code is a noun. The plural form is dress codes.

Do students like dress codes in school?

no because they dont get to dress originally

What is the dress code of a FBI agent?

you shouldn't know that unless you made it kathleen hopper

Why are dress codes important?

the dress code is important because of gang related violence if a student wears clothes that are containing inappropriate images that can lead to suspensions and fights. that is why dress codes are important

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What is the history of dress codes?

a dress code is a special way you have to dressed for a special ovation

How are European dress codes different from Indian dress codes?

European dresscodes are different from Indian dress codes because: 1) The weather and climate are different 2)Purchasing power is different 3) Body measurements are different because of the tribal presence in India

Should employers be allowed to set different dress codes for each gender?

They should be able to. Dress codes should be set depending on thebusiness and gender

What do codes on police report mean?

There are many codes on police reports. The most common are crime reporting codes used by the FBI to classify crimes and maintain the national database.

What are some expert opinions about dress codes?

some opinions about dress codes is that people say that having dress codes help you concentrate and learn. Also,if you have a dress code you have to shop more. And another fact is that the uniforms will get dirty during classes and stained. Also normal clothes are better because they are more confortable. And the last reason is that with a dress code you can't express yourself.