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In Miranda v. Arizona (1966) the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination requires law enforcement officials to advise a suspect interrogated in custody of his rights to remain silent. They are also required to advise the suspect of the Sixth Amendment right to consult with an attorney.

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Q: People who are arrested in the US must be read their rights as guaranteed under which Amendments?
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Today people being arrested are read their rights the right to remain silent is guaranteed under?

Under the supreme court case Miranda vs Arizona, in which it was declared that those being arrested are to be read their rights to them, including the right to remain silent and the ability to get an attorney. This can also be seen in the Fifth Amendment.

Ten amendments that guaranteed certain freedoms?

The Bill of Rights

Which amendment was passed first and by how many years?

The first ten amendments were presented and ratified with the Constitution. The Constitution would probably not have been ratified without the rights guaranteed to the states and people in these amendments, which are called the Bill of Rights.

List some of the rights guaranteed in the first ten amendments?


List three civil rights guaranteed by the constitution of Massachusetts?

The Bills of Rights, 1st and 14th Amendments

What people were guaranteed no rights under the bl of rights?

Until the 13 and 14 amendments slaves had no rights. They were considered property. Women also had few rights and did not get the right to vote until the 19th amendment.

Guaranteed by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution and certain acts of Congress?

Civil Rights

In what document is the freedom of religion guaranteed?

For the USA, the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is the first ten Amendments to the Constitution (although only the first eight amendments deal with specific individual rights).

The Bill of Rights guaranteed that Congress would not interfere with the rights to?

The Bill of Rights guaranteed that Congress would not interfere with the rights to religion, speech and press. The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments of the US Constitution.

How do the ten amendments of the bill of rights protect individuals?

The Bill of Rights, also known as the first ten amendments, states as clearly as possible what the government is not allowed to do to the individuals of its nation. The rights mentioned are mostly based on people being treated fairly if they were to be arrested.

What fundamental freedoms are guaranteed by each amendments in the bill of rights?

they weren't able to decide if it was right to not allow any rights

Whose the right are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

The rights of persons within the United States of America are guaranteed (recognized) primarily by the first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution, collectively known as the "Bill of Rights." However, the entire Constitution as a whole, including the Amendments following the Bill of Rights, protect persons within the United States of America.